The Municipal Group of Los Verdes in Orihuela denounce once again, the gaps in the scope of accessibility in our town due to the lack of action of the PP government team.
Since December last year, Los Verdes has been conducting a campaign of public complaint about the appalling conditions in respect of accessibility for people with reduced mobility in the municipality of Orihuela. In this way, we have been publically pointing out how access on the coast (the case of Agua Marina), and streets and squares of Orihuela presents an obstacle for people with disabilities traveling through it.
Today we refer to the streets Oriolanos Ausentes, País Valenciano, Avda Marqués de Molíns and la calle Hospital. In them, as we see in the photographs, there are pavements that do not have dropped kerbs, the crossings are not marked, and even unpaved areas. Obviously, these deficiencies constitute a discriminatory element to those with mobility problems, who are demanding decisive action of this Council, without up to now the Orihuela PP having given support to these less mobile citizens.
The city administration must stay awake to the problem, being closer to the citizen, because these deficiencies need to be overcome in so much that they affect, much of the daily lives of hundreds of oriolanos. But the reality is that the team of the PP government shows no interest in these kinds of problems, lying and deceiving the people who suffer from mobility problems, not only has the Councillor for Accessibility disappeared, but there is no mention in the General Budget to eliminate this discrimination and there is not even a municipal ordinances that regulate the accessibility to all oriolanos enjoy the same quality of life in the streets of our city.
Los Verdes in Orihuela City Council announce that we will continue to publicly expose the neglect and failure, once more, of the Mónica Lorente government on this issue, while presenting initiatives to improve accessibility throughout the municipality, since the Orihuela PP shows, each passing day, that it neither knows, nor can, nor wants to address these issues